April 22nd is Earth Day the annual celebration to inspire awareness about pollution and appreciation for protecting the health of the environment. This is a great reason to get outside, especially if you’ve had a long winter. I know we could probably all enjoy a little fresh air and sunshine today. Hopefully, your weather is cooperating. … Continue reading "Earth Day Mini Unit Study"
Today we celebrate a great man – Martin Luther King Jr. It has been over 50 years since his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, but his inspiring words live on today. It’s easy to think that the world has always been as it is now, but only a short time ago, there were still … Continue reading "Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day"
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays – I love the fall colors, the cooler temperatures, and of course, all that delicious food! We’ve all heard the story – the Pilgrims sailed to America on the Mayflower and landed on Plymouth Rock. After a rough start, they were saved by the Indians who then celebrated … Continue reading "Unit Study: The History of Thanksgiving"
Today is Darwin Day (February 12), a day to celebrate scientific ingenuity and bravery. Charles Darwin was just one of many scientists who strove to change the way people think about the world. Charles Robert Darwin, (February 12, 1809 – April 19, 1882) was an English biologist, naturalist and geologist. He was best known for … Continue reading "Happy Darwin Day!"
Holiday shopping doesn’t have to be stressful. There is a bookish gift for everyone in your life. Let me give you some ideas to make your holiday shopping easy peasy! For your scientist in training: How Machines Work: Zoo Break! by David Macaulay How We Got to Now: Six Innovations that Made the Modern World … Continue reading "A Very Bookish Holiday Gift Guide 2022"
The 23rd day of April was William Shakespeare’s day of birth (1564), which consequentially is the day that gent hath kicked thy bucket 52 years anon in 1616. It hath eke been dubbed “Talk Like Shakespeare Day.” In the present day’s blog posteth, I has’t ev’rything thee needeth to knoweth in ‘rd’r to bray out! … Continue reading "Talk Like Shakespeare Day"
With the beginning of a brand new year just getting started, it’s a great time to reflect on the year that’s passed. I love to sit down with a notebook and remind myself of my favorite memories, goals met, and funny moments with the kids I don’t want to forget. And of course, a book … Continue reading "Ring in the New Year with a Freebie!"
The 12 Days of Christmas is a popular carol, but what does it all mean? Why would anyone gift someone a partridge in a pear tree? Or Leaping Lords and swimming swans? It’s just begging to be updated. So why not give your child the opportunity to write their own version? This is a fun … Continue reading "12 Days of Christmas Freebie"
With the holidays upon us, everyone is busy shopping for the perfect gifts for their children. If you are anything like me, you want to build a love of reading in your children. So what do you do when their wish lists are full of video games and action figures? You find them a different … Continue reading "Literary Gifts for Children"
What is Jólabókaflóð, you say? Jólabókaflóð (pronounced yo-la-bok-a-flot) means “Yule Book Flood”, a popular Christmas tradition from Iceland in which books are exchanged as gifts on Christmas Eve. The tradition originated during World War II when Iceland was under financial struggle and foreign imports were restricted. So there were very limited options when it came … Continue reading "Jingle Bells! Jolabokaflod! Reading All the Way!"
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