Level 8

( Grade 8 – Age 12-15 )

Build Your Library: Level 8 - History of ScienceIt’s time for a whirlwind tour through world history, with a twist. This year, your child will be studying World History through the lens of science. Using Joy Hakim’s excellent Story of Science series, you will follow the trail of scientific thought and discovery from the ancient Sumerians through the Modern day. You’ll conduct experiments from the minds of some of the most outstanding scientists in history and learn how those scientists changed the world with their ideas. The science covered this year is Astronomy, Chemistry, and Physics.

You will also get a crash course in World History, which includes a study of the history of the struggle for women’s rights from the ancient world through the present day using the amazing graphic novel Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists: A Graphic History of Women’s Fight for Their Rights by Mikki Kendall and A. D’Amico!

As always, you will be immersed in an amazing array of literature. With the focus being science, I’ve tried to keep much of the literature and readers “on theme.” So while you will read classics like Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, you’ll also read a sampling of some great science fiction like Fahrenheit 451: A Novel,  The House of the Scorpion, and Relativity, as well as non-fiction like LongitudeThe Disappearing Spoon, and Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry.

You’ll be reading about the history of art with the beautiful text, Art That Changed the World, and much of your art projects will come through living math and science sketching. Some of the most significant discoveries in mathematics will be presented and your child will learn that math can be more than just arithmetic and sums.

My lesson plans guide you through the school year effortlessly. Your planning is done for you so that you can spend your time on the essential things, like teaching your children.

The 421-page PDF lesson plans include:

  • a daily and weekly schedule for 36 weeks of study
  • reading list
  • a set of 10+ narration cards
  • vocabulary words, discussion questions and dictation passages tied to the literature readings
  • Weekly writing assignments
  • memory work projects
  • 26 activity pages (including map work)
  • research projects
  • art projects
  • 84 timeline figures

You can see a Sample Week here:

L8 – History of Science Sample Week

Purchase Level 8 – History of Science – $49.95

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Glitterbombers HIGH is a brand-new art membership for grades 7 – 12. It offers so much more than just “how to draw” – your child will explore paint, pastels, sculpture, digital art, and so much more! Every single lesson has a video AND a detailed PDF with step by step instructions, so kids can choose the way they learn best. Tweens, teens, and adults have all loved learning with Glitterbombers HIGH!

Teens and tweens love the monthly magazine, and there is a monthly art class that features techniques, concepts, and working artists. Kids are given a monthly challenge to complete that enters them into a prize drawing!

Sign Up for Glitterbombers Here!


You can see the entire booklist below

(now powered by Amazon and Bookshop.org):


The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way (Spine) – Bookshop.org
The Story of Science: Newton at the Center (Spine) – Bookshop.org
The Story of Science: Einstein Adds a New Dimension (Spine)
The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia (Spine) – Bookshop.org
Astronomy for All Ages: Discovering The Universe Through Activities For Children And Adults (Spine) – Bookshop.org
The Cartoon Guide to PhysicsBookshop.org
Relativity and Quantum Physics For BeginnersBookshop.org
The Book of Potentially Catastrophic Science: 50 Experiments for Daring Young ScientistsBookshop.org
Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science – And the World  – Bookshop.org


Everything You Need to Ace World History in One Big Fat Notebook (Spine) – Bookshop.org
Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists: A Graphic History of Women’s Fight for Their Rights (Spine) – Bookshop.org
Julius Caesar: Dictator for Life (Wicked History)Bookshop.org
The Middle Ages: A Graphic HistoryBookshop.org
Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom, and ScienceBookshop.org
Bomb: The Race to Build–and Steal–the World’s Most Dangerous WeaponBookshop.org
In the Shadow of the Moon: America, Russia, and the Hidden History of the Space RaceBookshop.org


Poems to See By: A Comic artist Interprets Great Poetry (Spine) – Bookshop.org
Call Us What We Carry: Poems (Spine) – Bookshop.org


The Golden GobletBookshop.org
The Sand-ReckonerBookshop.org
Fahrenheit 451: A NovelBookshop.org
A Midsummer Night’s DreamBookshop.org
A Parcel of PatternsBookshop.org
Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His TimeBookshop.org
The True Adventures of Charley DarwinBookshop.org
To Kill a MockingbirdBookshop.org
The House of the ScorpionBookshop.org


We Have No Idea! A Guide to the Unkown UniverseBookshop.org
Ink and Bone (The Great Library)Bookshop.org
The Canterbury TalesBookshop.org
The Second Mrs. GiocondaBookshop.org
Along Came Galileo
Carry On, Mr. BowditchBookshop.org
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements (Young Readers Edition) – Bookshop.org
Itch: The Explosive Adventures of an Element Hunter
Animal FarmBookshop.org
Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and FalloutBookshop.org
Journey to the Center of the EarthBookshop.org
Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War TwoBookshop.org
Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry – Bookshop.org


Art That Changed the World (Spine) – Bookshop.org

Living Math:

Can You Count in Greek?: Exploring Ancient Number Systems (Consumable) – Bookshop.org
The Math Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained (Spine) – Bookshop.org
Power in Numbers: The Rebel Women of Mathematics (Spine)

As a reminder, if you are going to purchase books we would greatly appreciate the use of our provided Amazon and Bookshop Links! Thanks!

Disclosure: This list contains affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

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Level 0 – Level 1 – Level 2Level 3Level 4 – Level 5 – Level 6Level 7Level 8Level 9Level 10 – Level 11 – Level 12

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About Build Your Library

Have you been looking for a literature based homeschool curriculum that is secular? How about a way to incorporate narration, copywork, dictation and memory work into your child’s education? Or art study that ties into history?

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