December has always been one of my favorite months. Of course, it’s the holiday season, but I also enjoy making goals and planning for the new year. I love setting reading challenge goals for myself and I try to encourage my children to do the same, with various degrees of success. For the past six … Continue reading "2025 Build Your Library Reading Challenge"
December has always been one of my favorite months. Of course, it’s the holiday season, but I also enjoy making goals and planning for the new year. I love setting reading challenge goals for myself and I try to encourage my children to do the same, with various degrees of success. For the past five … Continue reading "2024 Build Your Library Reading Challenge"
December has always been one of my favorite months. Or course the holiday season, but I also enjoy making goals and planning out the new year. I love setting reading challenge goals for myself and I try to encourage my children to do the same, with various degrees of success. For the past four years, … Continue reading "2023 Build Your Library Reading Challenge"
At long last, our Family Reading Crate and Read Aloud Book Club “Booklets” are now available to purchase as PDFs! All previously sold-out FRC and RABC discussion booklets can now be purchased separately, allowing you to source any required books as you see fit. We have provided Amazon links to all of the books for … Continue reading "FRC and RABC Booklets Now Available as PDFs"
What is Jólabókaflóð, you say? Jólabókaflóð (pronounced yo-la-bok-a-flot) means “Yule Book Flood”, a popular Christmas tradition from Iceland in which books are exchanged as gifts on Christmas Eve. The tradition originated during World War II when Iceland was under financial struggle and foreign imports were restricted. So there were very limited options when it came … Continue reading "Jingle Bells! Jolabokaflod! Reading All the Way!"
Heads up! Next Wednesday – February 3, 2021, is World Read Aloud Day! Sponsored by Scholastic and LitWorld, this worldwide event is celebrated in at least 173 countries. Started in 2010, it is a wonderful reminder of the importance of reading to your children. Something we at Build Your Library have been championing for the … Continue reading "World Read Aloud Day"
December is one of my favorite months – not just for the holiday season (though that is a big part of it), but because I love making goals and planning out the new year. I love setting reading goals for myself and I try to encourage my children to do the same. For the last … Continue reading "2021 Build Your Library Reading Challenge"
** Purchase “Read Aloud Book Club” Pack here ** (FAQ) What is the Read Aloud Book Club? I love the idea of literary subscription boxes. We tried offering Family Reading Crates for awhile, but they may have overwhelmed families with too many books. If you have followed Build Your Library at all, you will no … Continue reading "“Read Aloud Book Club” Pack"
Have you ever read a book at a certain point in your childhood that stuck with you into adulthood? Sometimes books become paper memories – as soon as you reread it your mind drifts back to a time in your life like looking at a photograph. In today’s post there are a series of hypothetical … Continue reading "I Have Just the Book for That!"
Every book that has been scheduled into Build Your Library products has been specially curated for a specific purpose. It has been pre-read, evaluated and assigned to be read aloud by the parent or read independently by your child in accordance with the specifically themed topic being covered. But what do you do if your … Continue reading "Skip this book."
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