April 22nd is Earth Day the annual celebration to inspire awareness about pollution and appreciation for protecting the health of the environment. This is a great reason to get outside, especially if you’ve had a long winter. I know we could probably all enjoy a little fresh air and sunshine today. Hopefully, your weather is cooperating. … Continue reading "Earth Day Mini Unit Study"
You’ve likely heard the news that in just a few days (April 8th), a total solar eclipse will be visible across Mexico, Canada, and the United States. Whether you can view this historic event from your own home, are planning on traveling to view it, or are simply watching a broadcast online, this is a … Continue reading "A Totally Free Eclipse Mini Unit"
With the beginning of a brand new year just getting started, it’s a great time to reflect on the year that’s passed. I love to sit down with a notebook and remind myself of my favorite memories, goals met, and funny moments with the kids I don’t want to forget. And of course, a book … Continue reading "Ring in the New Year with a Freebie!"
The 12 Days of Christmas is a popular carol, but what does it all mean? Why would anyone gift someone a partridge in a pear tree? Or Leaping Lords and swimming swans? It’s just begging to be updated. So why not give your child the opportunity to write their own version? This is a fun … Continue reading "12 Days of Christmas Freebie"
It’s my favorite time of year! Not just because of the holiday season, but also because I love planning and making goals for the new year. I set multiple reading goals for myself, and I encourage my children to do the same. Last year, I created the 2019 Build Your Library Family Reading Challenge, and … Continue reading "2020 Build Your Library Reading Challenge"
Every year I set various reading goals for myself. One of those goals is to try to complete a categorical reading challenge list. Read a book that has been adapted into a movie Read a story based in mythology Read a book released this year etc. I’ve done several of the popular ones over the … Continue reading "2019 Build Your Library Reading Challenge"
Request for pictures of your decorated BYL Family Reading Crate! Inspired by one of our customers (Michele M.), we are looking for some pictures of decorated family reading crate boxes for our use with future marketing efforts (webpage, Facebook, etc.). Color in your family, add missing family members, or create another work of art based on … Continue reading "#bylcrateart Contest!"
Request for pictures of you with your BYL Family Reading Crate! We are looking for some pictures of you with your reading crate box for our use with future marketing efforts (webpage, Facebook, etc.). If you would like to participate, please upload a picture of yourself with the hashtag #bylcrateselfie to your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter … Continue reading "#bylcrateselfie Contest!"
Can you believe another year has gone? Time just seems to fly these days! I think this might be one of my favorite times of the year – there is something so exciting about having a whole brand new year with no mistakes in it yet hovering on the horizon. I love goal setting and … Continue reading "Happy New Year And a Freebie!"
One of the questions I get asked the most is what to do with the vocabulary words that are scheduled in the instructor’s guide. I’ve spoken about learning vocabulary in context, and I still believe that this is the best way to learn vocabulary. But sometimes, you want something more. Off and on during our … Continue reading "Vocabulary Notebook Freebie"
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