“I am, I can, I ought, I will.”* If you’ve been homeschooling for any amount of time, chances are you’ve heard the name Charlotte Mason. She has made quite a name for herself in the modern homeschool movement, even though she lived over a hundred years ago. Charlotte Mason (1842 – 1923) was a British … Continue reading "Charlotte Mason in the Secular Homeschool"
You’ve probably noticed that it has been quiet around here lately. I never mean to neglect social media and my blog, but life takes over and projects happen, and well…you get the idea. So I thought I’d take a moment to share what I’ve been working on. 🙂 First, I’ve been doing a lot of … Continue reading "What’s New at Build Your Library"
Copywork can seem deceptively simple. Give your child a sentence or two and have them copy it. It can seem like pointless busywork, but the benefits are enormous. First, copywork takes the place of penmanship practice. Once a child learns how to write their letters comfortably, they are ready to start simple copywork. Start with … Continue reading "How to Teach Copywork"
This could potentially be a pretty long post – but I wanted to share some books that would work well with the BYL Level 1 and BYL Level 2 programs. I scoured my own personal bookshelves, as well as my town library and Amazon, to provide you with a list of great books for your … Continue reading "Recommended Readers for Level 1 and 2"
Build Your Library Secular Homeschool Curriculum Sale! Here in the Northeast, we’re having a snow day! My kids had been complaining that we haven’t had very much snow at all so far this winter… I guess Mother Nature has decided to make up for it by sending us all of the snow today during the … Continue reading "Flash Sale! Blizzard of 2015"
For the last month or so, I’ve been on a book-collecting spree. I knew for a while that I was going to do World History for the Level 8 plans. Then, I got my hands on a copy of The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way at my local library. I fell in love. … Continue reading "A Hint of What’s to Come – Level 8"
A month ago, I got an e-mail from Mary Pride stating that I had been nominated for a Practical Homeschooling Magazine Reader’s Choice award. I was surprised – Build Your Library is still a pretty new curriculum, and excited that someone had nominated us. I didn’t really expect much, especially when I saw the competition. … Continue reading "Practical Homeschooling Magazine Reader’s Choice Award 2015"
Why not take a break from your regular studies this holiday season and learn about Winter Holidays Around the World? This is a fun, multi-age unit study that is perfect for the whole family. You’ll travel the world while learning about five major winter holidays – Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Chinese New Year. … Continue reading "Unit Study: Winter Holidays Around the World"
Summer is upon us, which means one thing to homechoolers – planning for the next school year! I don’t know about you, but I’ve been busy making lists of books and school supplies we’ll need for this fall. I have also been hard at work the last several months, but finally our new Grade 7 … Continue reading "Summer Sale!"
Teaching World War II can be intense. There is an overwhelming amount of material to cover! From the European war, to the Pacific Theater to the American Home Front; the Holocaust and Japanese Internment camps, Axis and Allies, and D-Day, you could easily spend an entire year just covering this topic. There are literally hundreds … Continue reading "Unit Study: World War II"
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