Evolution is a tough subject to find materials on in the homeschool world. So many science texts overlook it, for fear of offending someone or they are actively trying to disprove it. The theory of evolution is often misunderstood, or completely ignored. Yet it is an important element of science, and our children should know and understand it, regardless of religious belief. I searched high and low to find the best children’s books on the subject and I’ve put together a unit study with what I found.
In this study, you will learn about the origins of the Earth and create a huge timeline of life covering the Big Bang through modern day; learn about the life of Charles Darwin and follow his journey circumnavigating the globe, study his Theory of Evolution, as well as complete a literature unit on the novel The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate.
In this comprehensive unit study, you will read 8 books, complete 23 activities, and study 39 vocabulary words. I have included a list of 7 documentaries to enhance your study, as well as 25 notebooking pages. I have also included copywork and dictation passages taken from The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate as well as writing assignments about evolution and Charles Darwin.
Darwin and Evolution Unit Study can be completed in 8 weeks, or it can be stretched over the course of a semester by doing only 2-3 lessons per week. It covers literature, science, geography, geology, paleontology, nature study and writing. It is a multi-age unit, however the target age level would be upper-elementary through middle grades. However, I have included books at a lower level for younger children, and many of the activities are appropriate for younger ages.
Here you can see some examples of the Timeline of Life and the Pangaea Puzzle:
The Timeline of Life comes with pictures to color as well as blank Timeline if your child is older or artistically inclined and would like to illustrate their own.
Start your journey with Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution today and purchase below:
Purchase the Darwin and Evolution Unit Study – $12.95
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Can you tell me exactly which books to purchase in the Darwin Unit for a 6th grader?
Hi Daina,
I tried to reply to you privately, but your e-mail bounced.
When you purchase the unit, it contains a book list that lists all the books you will need – it has a Y next to the optional books for younger readers.
For a 6th grader, you’ll need:
Bang: How we Came to Be
Darwin and Evolution for Kids
Billions of Years Amazing Changes
Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
Hello, can I use this unit study for 6yo? Does it have books geared toward that age? Thank you.
If you are using it with a multi-age group, yes. There are a few books geared toward a younger audience. However, if you are only using it with a 6 year old, I’d recommend checking out our Prehistory unit instead. It covers a lot of the same topics but at a more age-appropriate level for a younger learner.
How different is this from the Pre-History unit? Do they overlap? Would this one be for older children?
The Darwin and Evolution unit is focused more on Evolution and the life of Charles Darwin. It is geared toward a middle-grade audience. Prehistory is aimed at a younger audience – early elementary. There is some overlap between the two but if you have older children, I’d recommend the Darwin unit.
I bought this several years ago, and am just now looking through it. Are there any updates to the resource list? (Especially some of the websites…)
Not yet, but I do plan on updating this unit in the near future.
I’m teaching to a 9 year old and (almost) 6 year old. Would you say the Darwin or Prehistory unit is more appropriate?
I’d say with those ages the Prehistory unit will be a better fit.
Hello! Happy New Year!
My kiddos and I will be starting the Prehistory unit next week and I am looking for timeline images for the Prehistoric period. Are these included in this unit study? While I’m not keen on purchasing this unit just for the images, I will if they are not available elsewhere 🙁
Hi Anne, no there are not timeline figures included in the Prehistory level, but in the Darwin there are 2 separate timelines – a blank one like the one that is included in the Prehistory unit, and one that has pictures included for your child to color.
Hi Emily,
As we are a Swiss German family(with Dutch grandpa) in the Swiss Jura(!) Mountains, I am thinking about doing this Unit Study, if there is more than one book of it, translated in German/French/Dutch, so we do not have to do it all in English (as we have only to start with English in our canton at the 5th class). Can you already tell me, please, what the name of updated books will be? So I can check, if I should better take the old version or wait until the new…
with my greetings over the sea
Hi Monika – I don’t expect that the booklist is going to change when I do the update. I think I will just be correcting broken links.
We will just be getting our feet wet with your curriculum and wanted to try out a unit study first. Would this be good for a 9th grader?
Hi Leanna,
Yes, I think you could complete this unit with a 9th grader. It is written toward middle-grade learners, but I think a 9th grader could definitely get a lot out of it.