June 2019 Monthly Newsletter

June 3, 2019

The following post will be a blog archive copy of the Build Your Library’s June 2019 Monthly Newsletter. If you missed the email, you can subscribe to our mailing list here. [Scheduled to be sent 06/03/19 9:00 AM EST]

Hey everybody, it’s Emily from Build Your Library! If you are just going to skim the beginning, here are the main topics in this month’s newsletter:

Now that I have your attention, here are the details on those items and more.

Monthly Newsletter

The biggest project going on this month is working on Level 12. Just  Level 12. So much work… but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is dim, and seemingly so far away… but a light nonetheless 🙂

New Family Reading Crates on Hold

Family Reading Crates are still on hold, but not forgotten. Once Level 12 is complete, we will be able to revisit the crates and get another one put together!

Please see the above headline link for full details. We will announce when they are available again on our Facebook page and in an upcoming newsletter. From feedback and consideration of our current model, we are expecting to offer bi-monthly or quarterly crates when we pick back up later this fall.

If you miss opening a Family Reading Crate and do not have all of the previous ones, check out the remaining inventory on older crates! We still have several crates from couple different releases.

All remaining 2018 crates are on sale for $25.00.

June Bookish Holidays

The month of June is Audiobook Appreciation Month. While I personally don’t listen to many, audiobooks are great for getting some reading in (or more specifically having something read to you) while driving, cleaning, cooking, or when you just need to take a break from doing all the reading aloud.

June is also full of some of my favorite author’s birthday – Joe Hill tomorrow (June 4) and Maurice Sendak next week (June 10). While most of you do not need any extra encouragement to pick up some additional reading material – we have plenty of excuses for you here! Or an excuse for cake. June 10th probably warrants a cake! Let the wild rumpus start!

Request “A Literary Education” Book at your Public Library

The bookiversary of “A Literary Education” just past at the end of last month (May 27)! It’s not too late for you to request that your local public library purchase a copy and have our book put into their library inventory for their patrons to borrow! Click the link above for all of the details.

Build Your Library on Tour 2019

It was great to see everyone at the 23rd Annual Used Curriculum Sale & Expo sponsored by Homeschoolers of Maine (HOME) in Augusta, ME last month.

We currently do not have any appearances lined up in the very near future, but of course we will keep everyone updated if any more events are scheduled.

I did, however record a session last week (May 30) with Simple Families Podcast. I will let you all know when that is released, probably within the next few weeks.

“Tea with Emily” Facebook Live Streams

We hope you all enjoyed our first two “Tea with Emily” Facebook Live Streams. If you missed them, you can find a recording on our Facebook or on our past events page.

Our next one is scheduled for the end of this week, on June 7th at 1pm EST, where we will discuss “The Art of Reading Aloud.” We will chat about tips and tricks to make the act of reading aloud the best part of your day!

At the beginning of the livestream, I will give a brief overview of the topic and then open the floor to any questions you may have. If you have any questions you want to make sure we cover, you can submit them via our Contact Us page prior to the event, so we don’t miss it in the scroll. This is a Facebook Live event, so you will just need to click through on Facebook to watch it live.

Every other month, I host a 30-60 minute Build Your Library homeschooling chat. You can ask questions about homeschooling, using Build Your Library curriculum, book recommendations, etc. We will announce the date ahead of time, and you will be able to submit some questions you would like to cover. Additionally, you can also ask questions during the interactive live stream. Grab a mug of tea (or coffee) and cozy up with our virtual hangout!

Build Your Library Support

Are you looking for help or advice on your homeschooling journey? We have compiled all of our helpful resources into one blog post for you. From the many BYL related Facebook groups to my book A Literary Education, there is a treasure trove of information and helpful parents out there to help guide you along your homeschooling adventure.

BYL Social Media Shout Out

We always have our Social Media “chicklets” at the bottom of our newsletters and webpage, but we wanted to make sure you are following us on our other platforms. The Build Your Library Facebook is our go-to social media site, and we post there frequently with cool Amazon products and book recommendations we think you would like, as well as all of our Family Reading Crate announcements, blog posts, full year and unit study product releases and updates, and more.

Our Build Your Library Instagram page regularly posts pictures and insider info about what I’m currently working on or what I’m doing with my kids.

Although not 100% exclusively Build Your Library related, our Arrrgh Schooling YouTube channel has videos about books and homeschooling – but let’s be honest – it’s mostly books. If you want to see unboxing videos for the Family Reading Crates or just want ideas for books to read (either for you for your children) you are sure to find something useful! We also have a BYL Twitter feed where I share links and information about BYL and homeschooling. Or you can stay subscribed to our email list and browse our monthly newsletters.

Wrap Up

I hope your school year is rolling along nicely! If you are looking for inspiration this month, here are some articles you might find helpful:

We have over 100 blog posts on various homeschooling and book-related topics if you want to browse for more.

I think that is about all for this month. Again, please follow us on whatever social media you frequent, there will be periodic updates posted there as well, but we will try to keep everyone in the know where ever you are surfing!

Thanks and Happy Reading! Emily

See Also:

May 2019 Monthly Newsletter

Browse the course work
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About Build Your Library

Have you been looking for a literature based homeschool curriculum that is secular? How about a way to incorporate narration, copywork, dictation and memory work into your child’s education? Or art study that ties into history?

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