February 2025 Monthly Newsletter

February 3, 2025

The following post will be a blog archive copy of Build Your Library’s February 2025 Monthly Newsletter. If you missed the email, subscribe to our mailing list here. [Scheduled to be sent by 2/3/24 8:30 AM EST]

[February 3, 2025 ] – Welcome to our January Video Newsletter!

If you subscribed, you should have gotten our regular monthly e-mail newsletter in your inbox. But you can now watch the video highlights and read the full details below or watch the BYL February 2025 Video Newsletter on Facebook.

Hey everybody, it’s Emily from Build Your Library! If you are going to skim the beginning, here are the main topics in this month’s newsletter:

Now that I have your attention, I have the details on those items and more for you.

Monthly Newsletter

  • “February is the border between winter and spring”― Terri Guillemets, “Years”

Build Your Library Updates and New Products

In an attempt to answer when the next level update will be ready, we have compiled our projected schedule into a post for easy reference. We will periodically update the chart when we make progress or have any changes to our tentative schedule.

I am currently working on the Level 12 update – this is a more intensive update as I’m going through and changing up some books, updating dead links, etc. I’m aiming to have it completed in early Spring.

I’m also about to start working on an update of the World War II unit study – this is long overdue! I’ll be changing out a few books and updating links – again, aiming for early Spring!

Last month I released a new product – our first Morbid Curiosities Unit Study all about Cannibalism!

Morbid Curiosities is a set of high school-level unit studies that focus on history, science, and literature. Each unit includes a weekly and daily schedule, reading assignments, and activities based on a morbid topic. I want to reiterate that these units are NOT for every teen. They focus on the strange and unusual and sometimes (frequently?) disturbing. This is not for a sensitive teen!

But if you have a teen who is obsessed with horror or who enjoys long conversations about death, serial killers, and the ethics of cannibalism, well, you’ve come to the right place!

The first unit is all about Cannibalism! In this 5-week unit, you will learn the science and history behind cannibalism. This unit does not focus on serial killers (look for that later in the Historical Murderers portion of Morbid Curiosities!) but rather on why any species (including humans) resorts to cannibalism and why or how it could (or could not) benefit them.


Build Your Library is scheduled to be at the 2025 VaHomeschoolers [un]Convention on Sunday, April 13, 2025, from 10am – 5pm at the The Museum of History & Culture in Richmond, Virginia! If any of you are in the area or within a reasonable driving radius, please swing by and visit!

There is also a kickoff unConvention experience with unWind, a relaxed pre-event social the night before on Saturday, April 12th, 2025 from 2-5 pm. It will be a perfect opportunity to meet fellow homeschoolers, vendors, and speakers, setting the tone for a great weekend.

Build Your Library Reviews and Testimonials

We have always needed to improve at keeping up with trying to compile reviews and testimonials. Over the past 11-plus years, we have gotten a few here and there, but we really should get on top of them. We would love to hear about your experience with Build Your Library! Your review could be as short as a few sentences or as long as you’d like.

Google reviews make up a significant component of the SEO algorithms. We are told it is as significant as ~1/3 of the equation. With that said… We would really appreciate it if you clicked the link below and showed your support by leaving us a Google review, Facebook Review, or testimonial for our website. Our growth has been focused on customer interactions and building long-standing relationships. Thank you all for everything and for making it so easy to love what we do.google review

February Giveaway

Congratulations to our winner of last month’s Giveaway!


This month, we are giving away a full year level of your choice! If you have been thinking of trying Build Your Library, this is a great opportunity to get a full year of lesson plans totally free!

Each action gives you entries into this month’s drawing, with some allowing for daily clicks. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received.

Check out the contest page for more details, and come back each month for new opportunities!

Collab with Soul Sparklettes Glitterbombers!

I’m excited to announce that we are collaborating with Soul Sparklettes Art!  They have many fantastic art projects that blend incredibly well with Build Your Library. You can sign up for Glitterbombers membership through our affiliate link. Check the downloads on the Purchase Pages for levels 0 – 5  to see what projects align!

The membership includes hundreds of art projects, videos, and resources designed for homeschoolers and art teachers BY a homeschooler and art teacher team. There are three completely DONE-FOR-YOU curriculums: Global Art Hop, Elements & Principles (PEP), and a USA Curriculum. Everything is included when you join – there are no surprises and no waiting.

Glitterbombers HIGH is a brand new art membership for grades 7 – 12. If you’re looking for art for your teen or tween, the new Glitterbombers HIGH might just be the answer. From sketching to Procreate, Sculpey to watercolor painting, Glitterbombers HIGH is an all-video-based subscription where your teen or tween can explore different mediums and topics and develop their own art style. There’s even a monthly art technique class with a challenge and opportunity to earn prizes! Usually closed to new members, I have a special link for you where you can sign up right now and still get in at the introductory price. Have younger kids? You’ll love Glitterbombers, designed for PreK-7th!

And in honor of our newest release: Morbid Curiosities, Part 1 – Cannibalism, the team at Giltterbombers has offered a free project!

Free Download: Medical Illustration Skull-GB-Soul Sparklettes Art

This pen and pencil project is perfect for your preteens and teens. Combine art and science as you learn to sketch a skull like a medical illustrator!

If you enjoyed that project, why not consider signing up for a subscription? You can choose between a monthly, 6-month, or full-year subscription!

Sign Up for a Glitterbombers Subscription Here!

February Bookish Holidays

February is National Library Lovers Month, and on the 14th it is Library Lover’s Day! Make sure to plan a trip to your local library and let them know that you appreciate what they do for your community!

The first week of the month is also Children’s Authors and Illustrators Week. This is a great time to pick your favorite picture books to peruse or re-read a favorite children’s book!

For author birthdays, we have Langston Hughes on the 1st (1902),  Charles Dickens on the 7th (1812), Alice Walker on the 9th (1944), Mo Willems on the 11th (1968), Judy Blume on the 12th (1938), Toni Morrison on the 18th (1931)  and John Steinbeck on the 27th (1902).

BYL Online Used Book Super Store

We are pleased to announce our newest, most requested feature: an Author or Title SEARCH! We have also incorporated the bookstore into our regular website and consolidated shopping carts so you can purchase both used books and homeschool curriculum in the same place!


I have wanted to open an independent bookstore my whole life. A cute, cozy Hobbit hole of a bookstore with new books, used books, maybe tea… After many delays and setbacks, a brick-and-mortar store is currently out of the cards.

However, since I have a storage unit (and house) full of books I’ve been collecting for a store, we have decided to try to set up the BYL Online Used Book Super Store! We are so excited to announce that we are open for business! So yay! Happy book shopping!

We are adding new books almost daily, so keep checking back. We have something for every reader!

2025 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

Are you looking for a fun reading challenge for the whole family? Well, look no further! We had so much fun with challenges the past six years, so we’re continuing the tradition!

This year, we are Reading Banned Books! With this set of prompts, we challenge you to read from a variety of diverse perspectives, with emphasis on books that have been banned or challenged in libraries over the years. Let’s fight back against censorship in 2025!

I’m looking forward to a great year of reading, and I hope you will join me on our reading adventure!

We are one month into the challenge now – how is everyone doing? I’ve completed 5/40 prompts!

History Book by Book (HBBB)!

History Book By Book is our database of engaging, entertaining, and educational books about various historical topics. Whenever possible, we have cross-referenced topics, internally linked additional suggestions based on like subjects, and created helpful, categorized lists for you to search and browse. Hopefully, you will be able to glean a vast amount of information and find as many history-related books as you would ever want to find. We discussed it in depth during a recent Tea With Emily Livestream on Facebook, you can view the recording here.

As a long-time homeschooling parent and the author of literature-based homeschool curriculum, we designed HBBB to help:

(1) homeschooling parents looking for additional resources to read to their children,
(2) homeschooling parents looking for more historically based books to give their children to read themselves,
(3) any teen or adult looking for categorized historical reading material for their own enjoyment and knowledge.

Reading your way through history… one book at a time.

History Book By Book Main page

We have recently started to create some blog post articles on HBBB! You can check out our first couple on our HBBB Blog.

Homeschool Tidbits Blog and Video Series

We have an ongoing series on both our blog and YouTube channel called Homeschool Tidbits!

In this weekly video series, I will briefly discuss a homeschooling-related topic. I will share some of my knowledge and expertise as a long-time homeschooling mother of four children, three of whom have graduated high school and one who is a college graduate!

This series will include an approximately 10-minute “quick-bit” YouTube video and a corresponding blog post article.

After 70+ episodes, I stalled out and took some time off to spend some time brainstorming, but hopefully will have some more soon! Do you have a topic you want to hear more about? Send me a message, and I’ll add it to my list!

Most Recent Episodes:

“Tea with Emily” Instagram Live Stream

We hope you all enjoyed our last “Tea with Emily” Instagram Live Stream. If you missed our BYL Reading Challenge 2024 Wrap up and 2025 Unveiling in December, you can find a recording by scrolling through our Instagram.

Our next Facebook Live will be on February 7 at 1:00pm EST! I’ll be sharing tips about Homeschooling for Newbies!  If you are new to homeschooling or even at it for a while, you might feel overwhelmed. It’s a big task! I’ll be sharing some tips and advice to help you get started!

I host a 30-60-minute Build Your Library homeschooling chat every other month. You can ask questions about homeschooling using the Build Your Library curriculum, book recommendations, etc. We will announce the date beforehand, and you can submit questions you want to cover. Additionally, you can also ask questions during the interactive Livestream. Grab a mug of tea (or coffee) and cozy up with our virtual hangout!

Build Your Library Support

Are you looking for help or advice on your homeschooling journey? We have compiled our helpful resources into one blog post for you. From the many BYL-related Facebook groups to my book A Literary Education, there is a treasure trove of information and helpful parents to help guide you along your homeschooling adventure. If you have any questions, ask!

For a comprehensive, everything you ever wanted to know about homeschooling with Build Your Library, check out our “Build Your Library University (for Parents).” We have collected the definitive list of articles, videos, and books about Build Your Library, Charlotte Mason, and general homeschooling, all categorized logically for you to peruse.

BYL Social Media Shout Out

We always have our Social Media “chicklets” at the bottom of our newsletters and web page, but we wanted to ensure you follow us on our other platforms. The Build Your Library Facebook is our go-to social media site, and we post there frequently with excellent Amazon products and book recommendations we think you would like, as well as all of our Read Aloud Book Club announcements, blog posts, full-year and unit study product releases and updates, and more.

Our Build Your Library Instagram page regularly posts pictures and insider info about projects I’m currently working on or what I’m doing with my kids.

Although not 100% exclusively Build Your Library related, our Arrrgh Schooling YouTube channel has videos about books and homeschooling, but let’s be honest, it’s mostly books. If you want to see what I’m reading, join my Arrrgh Booked Book Club. My co-host – Tanya from Project Happy Home  and I will be reading I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman in February! I hope you’ll read along and join us for a great live discussion on the first Saturday in February!

You can also subscribe to our email list and browse our monthly newsletters.

Wrap Up

I hope you have a wonderful February! I can’t wait to see what this new month brings!

  • “February, when the days of winter seem endless and no amount of wistful recollecting can bring back any air of summer.”― Shirley Jackson, “Raising Demons”

“[Y]ou have such a February face, so full of frost, of storm and cloudiness”

― Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

If you are looking for some more inspiration, here are some articles you might find helpful:

We have well over 100 blog posts on various homeschooling and book-related topics if you want to browse for more.

That is about all for this month. Again, please follow us on whatever social media you frequent. There will be periodic updates posted there as well, but we will try to keep everyone in the know wherever you are surfing!

Thanks, and Happy Reading! Emily

See Also:

January 2024 Monthly Newsletter

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About Build Your Library

Have you been looking for a literature based homeschool curriculum that is secular? How about a way to incorporate narration, copywork, dictation and memory work into your child’s education? Or art study that ties into history?

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