The following post will be a blog archive copy of the Build Your Library’s September 2018 Monthly Newsletter. If you missed the email, you can subscribe to our mailing list here.
Hey everybody, it’s Emily from Build Your Library!
If you are just going to skim the beginning, here are the main topics in this email:
Now that I have your attention, here are the details on those and a couple other bits of information, not necessarily in the above order.
I’ll admit, there is not a ton happening on this month after an incredibly hectic summer, but I still wanted to reach out to everyone to keep the momentum going with our second monthly newsletter. Also, I want to keep you all in the loop with what is coming up.
The next Harry Potter Unit Study is actively being written! I have several really cool ideas brewing, and the layout is coming together quite nicely. I don’t have a solid target release date yet, but it is definitely close enough to let you all know that it will be ready sooner than later!
If you still need to catch up, check out the previous five unit studies that we already have available.
As many of you know, I’ve been going through and updating all of the lower grade levels. I had to take a break over the summer to get Level 11 finished, so I’ve jumped back in this month and started working on the Level 4 update. There aren’t any major changes – I’ll be continuing the art books that are used in Levels 2 and 3 and replacing the out-of-print Inventors book with a couple of different books. It should be finished and available to download by the end of this month!
I’m sure by now, you all have heard of our Family Reading Crate monthly subscription-style box offering. But if not, you have to check them out!
Just about every month I say “this is my favorite month so far!” Well, this month is no exception. I had a blast putting together this crate for you all, revolving around one of my favorite genres: horror. We have four books in our Halloweeny, kid-friendly horror themed box – a picture book for younger children, a middle grade family read aloud, a book for older readers, and a less kid-friendly book for you, the parent! 🙂 We’ll be packing and shipping the October boxes very soon, so order yours today!
We have been running our our new web page design and layout for several weeks now, and it seemed to weather our huge Summer Sale just fine. I’m sure there may be some minor formatting tweaks or typos we still need to fix, but we just wanted to poll our customers to see if there are any issues that you have experienced. Can’t find something? Don’t like something? Let us know by leaving a comment on the accompanying blog post.
We have one more date this year and have already booked a convention for next year.
I will be doing a speaking engagement/mini BYL con at the Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library in CT, on Friday November 2, 2018 from 4 PM to 7:30 PM. My talk will be “The Literary Lifestyle – Charlotte Mason in the 21st Century” at 5 PM, and I will have my vendor booth set up before and after for a meet and greet, shopping, and A Literary Education book signing.
Build Your Library will be at the 2019 VaHomeschoolers Conference and Resource Fair on Friday, March 22, and Saturday, March 23, 2019 at Fort Magruder Hotel and Conference Center in Williamsburg, VA.
Make your plans now if you are anywhere in the area, we’d love to see you!
If you missed our “Back to “Home” School Series (B2HS)” blog series, it’s still not too late to take a peek and get re-inspired to tackle this homeschool year. We also have a bunch of past articles on various topics that you might want to check out such as:
I think that is about all for this month. Again, please follow us on whatever social media you frequent, there will be periodic updates posted there as well, but we will try to keep everyone in the know where ever you are surfing!
Thanks, and happy reading!