The following post will be a blog archive copy of the Build Your Library’s October 2021 Monthly Newsletter. If you missed the email, you can subscribe to our mailing list here. [Scheduled to be sent 10/1/21 8:15 AM EST]
[October 1, 2021 ] – “BYL September 2021 Video Newsletter“ – Welcome to our October Video Newsletter! You should have gotten our regular monthly e-mail newsletter in your inbox if you are subscribed. But you can now watch the video highlights and read the full details below or watch the BYL October 2021 Video Newsletter on Facebook.
Hey everybody, it’s Emily from Build Your Library! If you are just going to skim the beginning, here are the main topics in this month’s newsletter:
Now that I have your attention, here are the details on those items and more.
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
I couldn’t agree more with Anne Shirley. The crisp weather, the gorgeous New England foliage, pumpkins, apples, flannel, Halloween – is there anything better than October?
We have some new information to share as well as some reoccurring monthly reminders.
In an attempt to answer when the next level update will be ready, we have compiled our projected schedule into a post for easy reference. We will periodically update the chart when we make progress or have any changes to our tentative schedule.
The Level 7 update is complete and available to download! I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this update – it grew beyond what I had planned and I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. There are a ton of new amazing literature and reader selections and a brand new science curriculum – Zoology!
If you already purchased Level 7 and you want the update – it’s completely free to you! You can use your original download link to access it. If you need a new link, just send me an email to let me know and I’ll be happy to send you one.
We were excited to finally announce our newest project in June, History Book By Book! HBBB is a database collection of engaging, entertaining, and educational books about various historical topics if you missed the grand opening. We discussed it in depth during our Tea With Emily livestream on Facebook last month, you can view the recording here.
History Book By Book Main page
October has a bunch of fun book-related holidays. The entire month has been designated Children’s Magazine Month, National Book Month, National Cookbook Month, and National Reading Group Month. The first full week of October is Mystery Series Week, the second week is National Newspaper Week, the third week is Teen Read Week and Friends of Libraries Week, and the last Friday of the month (Oct 29) is National Frankenstein Day.
For author birthdays, we have Anne Rice (Oct. 4, 1941), R. L. Stine (Oct 8, 1943) and Oscar Wilde (Oct 16, 1854). There are also a couple of characters from Harry Potter with birthdays, Filius Flitwick (Oct. 17) and Molly Weasley (Oct. 30).
Unfortunately, our Read Aloud Book Club packs are going to be on hiatus a bit longer. Our book supplier is having issues and we were unable to get books for the October pack. I hope that we’ll be able to have a new pack in November. We still have some previous months available, so be sure to catch up on past books while we are on break!
We hope you all enjoyed our last “Tea with Emily” Facebook Live Stream. If you missed our “Mother Culture – Self-Education for Parents“ discussion in August, you can find a recording by scrolling our Facebook or direct links on our past events page. We also had a corresponding blog post on “Mother Culture, or How to Homeschool Yourself,” if you want to check that out also.
Our next Facebook Live will be on October 8, 2021, at 1:00 PM EST, where we’ll be discussing “Literature-Based Learning with Reluctant Readers.” Are you super excited about Build Your Library and reading stacks of living books but your kids aren’t as enthusiastic? I’m going to share some tips and we can chat about how to get a reluctant reader hooked on reading!
Every other month, I host a 30-60 minute Build Your Library homeschooling chat. You can ask questions about homeschooling, using Build Your Library curriculum, book recommendations, etc. We will announce the date ahead of time, and you will be able to submit questions you would like to cover. Additionally, you can also ask questions during the interactive live stream. Grab a mug of tea (or coffee) and cozy up with our virtual hangout!
Are you looking for help or advice on your homeschooling journey? We have compiled all of our helpful resources into one blog post for you. From the many BYL-related Facebook groups to my book A Literary Education, there is a treasure trove of information and helpful parents out there to help guide you along your homeschooling adventure. If you have any questions, just ask!
For a comprehensive, everything you ever wanted to know about homeschooling with Build Your Library, check out our “Build Your Library University (for Parents).” We have collected the definitive list of articles, videos, and books about Build Your Library, Charlotte Mason, and general homeschooling, all categorized in a logical order for you to peruse.
We always have our Social Media “chicklets” at the bottom of our newsletters and webpage, but we wanted to make sure you are following us on our other platforms. The Build Your Library Facebook is our go-to social media site, and we post there frequently with cool Amazon products and book recommendations we think you would like, as well as all of our Read Aloud Book Club announcements, blog posts, full-year and unit study product releases and updates, and more.
Our Build Your Library Instagram page regularly posts pictures and insider info about projects I’m currently working on or what I’m doing with my kids.
Although not 100% exclusively Build Your Library related, our Arrrgh Schooling YouTube channel has videos about books and homeschooling, but let’s be honest, it’s mostly books. If you want to see what I’m reading, join my Arrrgh Booked Book Club (we are reading The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson in October ), or just want ideas for books to read (either for you or your children) you are sure to find something useful! We also have a BYL Twitter feed where I share links and information about BYL and homeschooling. Or you can stay subscribed to our email list and browse our monthly newsletters.
If you are looking for some homeschool inspiration, here are some articles you might find helpful:
We have well over 100 blog posts on various homeschooling and book-related topics if you want to browse for more.
I think that is about all for this month. Again, please follow us on whatever social media you frequent, there will be periodic updates posted there as well, but we will try to keep everyone in the know where ever you are surfing!
Thanks and Happy Reading! Emily
See Also: