Build Your Library Giveaway
April 15, 2013

Have you been wondering if Build Your Library is the right curriculum for you? Today only, The Secular Home School Community is hosting a giveaway and you could enter to win a free Instructor’s Guide for a full year program!
What do you get in an Instructor’s Guide? You get:
- A booklist
- A daily AND weekly schedule
- A set of age appropriate narration cards
- Copywork or dictation taken from the read aloud selection
- Discussion questions and activities to go along with the read aloud selection
- Vocabulary words taken from the read aloud selection
- Poetry readings twice a week
- Memorization assignments
- Notebook pages (including mapwork)
- Timeline figures
- Interesting research projects
- Art lessons and projects that are tied to the historical time period being studied
- Secular science lessons (literature based in the elementary years and Elemental Science in the middle grades)
Go to this page for more information on how to enter!