by Gladys S. Blizzard (Author)
Hard Cover, Used-Very Good
USD 4.95
Few subjects have more immediate appeal to children than animals, and few methods of teaching students to appreciate fine art have proven more successful than those of educator Gladys S. Blizzard. In COME LOOK WITH ME: ANIMALS IN ART, she makes the most of children's natural curiosity about animals to introduce them not only to twelve magnificent works of art, but also to a whole new way of encountering art. Using an approach which is as fun as it is effective, the author deftly guides her young audience toward their own understanding of and delight in the world of art. The works featured in ANIMALS IN ART represent a variety of styles which students will encounter again in museums and in books: the muscular realism of Rosa Bonheur's "The Horse Fair", the delicate romanticism of Martin Johnson Heade's "Cattleya Orchid" and "Three Brazilian Hummingbirds," the bold abstraction of Henri Matisse's "The Snail." They also represent an intriguing menagerie of beasts, from the mysterious deer and horses stampeding across the wall of Lascaux cave to Paul Klee's whimsical heart-nosed cat dreaming of a bird.