As stated in the enclosed booklet, the following page contains all of the extras that you could use to further enhance the experience of going through this month’s offering. You will find a PDF of activity printables, helpful links of other related topics, movies or documentaries you could watch, or additional books to purchase or borrow from the library.
Happy Reading!
PBS Kids Games – Fun online games for younger kids
Funbrain – online learning games for K-8
Scratch – Free coding site for kids
Sploder – Kids can create their own video games on this site
Japanese Internment During WWII | History Channel – This is a great short video explaining the Japanese Internment during WWII
Untold Stories | Manzanar: “Never Again” – This short PBS documentary (it is about 14 minutes long) discusses Manzanar and Japanese Internment
Younger Readers:
Middle Grade:
Young Adult/Adult:
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle – This is rated PG-13 mostly for language and some suggestive content, but I would say this is great for ages 10+.
Video Games the Movie – Documentary about Nintendo and Sega games and how they were made, marketed, and consumed.
The Maltese Falcon – If you read the book, you’ll probably want to watch the film to compare.
Warcraft – Even if you’ve never played, this is a fun fantasy film that takes place in the World of Warcraft universe. I recommend this for ages 10+
Angry Birds the Movie – My kids all loved this movie when it came out. Silly movie about the game of the same name.
Ready Player One – Read the book and compare with the movie! This also has a PG – 13 rating for violence, language, and suggestive content – this one is probably best for ages 12+
Pre-Order September 2018 Crate – “Journey to Other Worlds!” $34.99
($26.99+$8.00 S&H in the US.)
Pre-orders are expected to ship by the the last week of August.