Thank you for purchasing our March Family Reading Crate – Goblins and Magic and Fantasy, Oh My!
As stated in the enclosed booklet, the following page contains all of the extras that you could use to further enhance the experience of going through this month’s offering. You will find a PDF of activity printables, helpful links of other related topics, movies or documentaries you could watch, or additional books to purchase or borrow from the library.
Happy Reading!
Helpful Links:
In The Goblin’s Puzzle, Alice taught Boy all about logic. This following link contains a plethora of links for brain teasers, logic puzzles and so much more.
Hoagies’ Gifted Education: Brain Teasers, Optical Illusions, and Logic
This video gives a fantastic explanation of what the fantasy genre is all about (and it uses legos!) Fiction Book Genres: What Is Fantasy?
This article might be useful for older students interested in writing their own fantasy stories: Writing Fantasy: A Short Guide to the Genre
Logic Puzzles Books and Games:
Brain Games for Clever Kids activity book
National Geographic Kids Brain Games
SET: The Family Game of Visual Perception
Writing Resources:
If you have a child interested in learning more about writing in the Fantasy genre, I recommend these resources:
Adventures in Fantasy: Lessons and Activities in Narrative and Descriptive Writing
Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction
The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding (this is more of a D&D type book but it has a lot of great info on how to create a rich fantasy world)
Additional Books to Read:
For younger readers:
The Zoey and Sassafras series by Asia Citro
The BFG by Roald Dahl
The Borrowers by Mary Norton
Middle Grade readers:
The Chronicles of Prydain series: The Book of Three (book 1)
YA and Adult Reads:
Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children)
The Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicles)
Assassin’s Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy)
The Color of Magic (Discworld series)
Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness)
Family Friendly Fantasy Movies to watch: